**This small chapter book is one laugh after another for a little kid while also teaching them how to read. Fun and learning are not two words a child normally hears in a sentence together. May-May and Rose, the singing dancing Golly Sisters, have adventures as they travel west in their covered wagon, entertaining people along the way.

First their wagon got stuck in a big river while crossing to a town waitng for them, then May-May's magic act with pigs got screwed up and they are boo-ed out of town. The Golly sister's day did not start out great as you can tell. As May-May and her sister, Rose, begin traveling again they come upon a swamp and are scared out of their wits. But instead of turning this into a frightening situation they take turns naming things in a swamp that are nice.
In another town, the sister's decide to do a high-wire waltz with Rose on the wire. After a failed attempt, May-May suggests they just draw a line and Rose can pretend to walk a high-wire. Later, May-May wishes for something and Rose has an idea. "Hooray for the Golly Sisters!"
After their show that night, the sisters excuse themselves from the stage and disappear behind the audience and begin to yell, "Hooray for the Golly Sisters!" As if on cue the whole audience started slapping louder and yelling "Hooray for the Golly Sisters!", too.
May-May and Rose's wish was that at least one time someone would yell, "Hooray for the Golly Sisters!" And with a little sneakery they got it.
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