Have you ever heard of the Brothers Grimm? Do you really know who they are? Well, according to their self-titled movie, starring Matt Damon and the late Heath Ledger as Will and Jake Grimm, they were a more complex version of travelling con-artists. They are called to "exorcise" the force at work. When this happens, Jake writes down every detail of their stories in his book of fairy tales. The brothers and their team set staged ghouls, ghosts and beasts to dupe townspeople out of their money in order to get rid of whatever it was that was bothering them. When they are arrested for this trickery they strike a bargain with a French general to find missing children, from a German town, they were mysteriously disappearing. This may sound like their normal con, but no, this is a real fairy tale. A mysterious force kidnapped 11 little girls for their youth and need one more, but once Angelicka, the woman Jake has fallen in love with, is grabbed to be the 12th they do everything possible to save them. All the while an evil witch from 5oo years ago is locked in a Rapunzel-type tower tricking men into doing her will waiting for the eclipse to bring her back to full beauty as "the fairest of them all".
Of course in the end all the girls are saved and as is the last line in the movie "they lived happily ever after ... maybe not". Even though I consider this movie a total disappointment and hard to follow, I have to give the creators props for giving it all the elements of a fairy tale. True love's kiss, evil queen locked in a tower, enchanted forest and girls in glass slippers getting locked in crypts.
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