I had an absolute urge to watch Beauty and the Beast. It is my all time favorite Disney movie. It is an incredible story of looking inside to someone's inner beauty and personality, and to show kindness, even on your first inpression of someone. The prince turned away the hag that turned out to be a beautiful enchantress. She cursed him to find true love and have that person love him in return before a enchanted rose lost all it's petals.
Belle was just the daughter of a "crazy" inventor in a small french village. She loved to read which was definitely not what women of that town did. She had no desire to just find a hansome, strong man. She wanted someone who could challenge her intellect and she could grow to love. After her father, Morise, gotlost in the woods, he was taken prisoner by the beast. Belle'ssearch for her father endedwith her taking his place as the beast's prisoner. All the talking and singing furniture helped her and the beast grow closer together.
Through all this, Gaston, the man everywoman in town wanted, wanted Belle for his bride. He tried everything, even tried to have her father thrownin the looney bin if she didn't marry him. He found that she had a great love for the beast and hated it. He and the whole town, under the impression the beast was evil, went to the castle to try and kill him. The townspeople were outsmarted by the furniture and Gaston went up again the Beast... and lost. The beast was hurt bad, but with Belle's love was brought back as the hansome prince. He and Belle lived happily ever after, along with all the castle's servants (the servants were the furniture and trinkets).
To see who someone really is, you have to see past their rough exterior and into their heart.
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